June 18th, 2024

Prettiest Books

The recently published book “SPECOLOGY - Zu einer ästhetischen Forschung” was selected for the shortlist of Germany’s most beautiful books by the Stiftung Buchkunst. The work on this publication raised various questions about design, research and the medium of the book itself and was developed in close collaboration with distaff studio. Together, the material from over three years of research was curated, edited, collaged and presented in a collection that encourages a networked and non-linear approach to the topic. The book takes up the discourse on speculative design, approaches it critically, searches for new forms of creative, artistic, provocative, experimental production and aesthetic research and provides points of reference for knowledge and thought practices from various artistic, design, philosophical, cultural-theoretical or even entirely non-academic fields.

SPECOLGY: Chapter Dinggefüge, Foto: Distaff

SPECOLOGY – Zu einer ästhetischen Forschung
Release: 9/2023
Format: Softcover
Maße: 18 x 25 cm
Pages: 420
Language: DE/EN
ISBN: 978-3-943253-71-9
Preis: 24,00 €

SpecSpace: Anke Haarmann, Alice Lagaay, Tom Bieling, Torben Körschkes, Petja Ivanova, Frieder Bohaumilitzky, Barbro Scholz (Eds.)

Contributions by Anthony Dunne, Janice Elu, Star Feliz, Neema Githere, Graham Harman, Sarah Kantrowitz, Suzanne Knip-Mooij, Stefan Kraus, John Ó Maoilearca, Tabita Rezaire, Mischa Twitchin, Emine Yorganci, Tom Bieling, Frieder Bohaumilitzky, Anke Haarmann, Petja Ivanova, Alice Lagaay, Torben Körschkes und Barbro Scholz.
